Mp3 tag free
Mp3 tag free

mp3 tag free

Fix: cover type couldn't be changed via extended tag dialog (since v3.16b).

mp3 tag free

Chg: uninstaller has now a checkbox to explicitly enable removing of configuration data instead of using a confirmation dialog.Fix: editing Tag Panel fields with '_SEPARATOR' had not all other fields disabled.New: added option to reset disc counter at auto-numbering wizard on field-value change.New: added option to increase disc counter (and reset track counter) at auto-numbering wizard on field-value change.

mp3 tag free

Fix: navigating to next directory in history via Alt + left arrow key resulted in runtime error if triggered from last entry in history.Fix: action Format value for '_FILENAME' showed another error message on retry after sharing violation even when retry condition was met.Fix: mnemonic key entry for certain menu items not displaying as intended for some translations.Chg: 'BPM' field for MP4 now only displays the bpm value without extra formatting.Chg: retired the Tools main menu and moved entries for Options to File main menu and auto-numbering wizard to Convert main menu.Chg: moved configuration setting to display grid lines at file view from General to Appearance.Chg: moved configuration setting to preserve file modification time when saving tags from Tags to General.Import tag information from local freedb databases.Import tag information from online databases like freedb or Amazon (also by text-search).Export tag information to user-defined formats (like html, rtf, csv, xml).Replace characters or words from tags and filenames.Rename files based on the tag information.Remove parts or the entire tag of multiple files.Write ID3v1.1-, ID3v2-, APEv2-Tags and Vorbis Comments to multiple files at once.

mp3 tag free

The program supports online freedb database lookups for selected files, allowing you to automatically gather proper tag information for select files or CDs. It can rename files based on the tag information, replace characters or words from tags and filenames, import/export tag information, create playlists and more. Mp3tag is a powerful and yet easy-to-use tool to edit metadata (ID3, Vorbis Comments and APE) of common audio formats.

Mp3 tag free